Language Course descriptions

LG010 Chinese I (4)

This course aims at developing fundamental language skills. All four skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing) will be emphasized and learned in communicative context. Students are expected to actively participate in class by engaging in interactive activities and reading and writing practices. Many aspects of everyday Chinese culture will be introduced through these activities.

LG020 Chinese II (4)

This course provides intermediate-level training in spoken and written Chinese in cultural context. Particular attention is given to complex grammatical patterns, discourse characteristics, and discussions of cultural topics.

LG030 Chinese III (4)

This course places emphasis on the communicative function of the language where advanced reading grammar and conversation are stressed. Periodic translation exercises will provide students the opportunity to gauge how well they understand nuances in the language. The content of the textbook focuses on the rapidly changing attitudes and values of modern China. Authentic reading materials are included in each lesson, such as newspaper articles, television, news broadcasts, short works of fiction, and some film. Students will be expected to read complex and simplified characters.

ML010 Mission English (3)

Study of English conversation and grammar required for missionary activities, including basic theological concepts. The student will experience street evangelization.

ML020 Simultaneous Interpretation of Sermons (3)

Practice in simultaneous interpretation of preaching from the mission language to English and from English to the language of the mission field.

ML030 Biblical Preaching I (3)

This course considers the nature of oral communication, the principles of rhetoric, and the steps in moving from the biblical text to the sermon. Students also develop public speaking skills.

ML031 Biblical Preaching II (3)

This course is the study of the theology, theory, and practice of preaching provided through lectures, discussion, sermon preparation, and preaching.

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